Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Word Count Wednesday!

What am I working on?
I am trying to work on the experiments for this class! I've done a couple of them I just haven't posted them, I have made it my goal to post it by this weekend. Thinking about real people actually reading it makes me nervous, but I will do it. I am also working on some songs, I'm not a songwriter by any means but I love music so I thought I'd give it a try!

How do I feel about the process?
I don't really know how I feel about it, I feel like I'm in a weird place with my writing. Sometimes I feel good about my work, and other days I feel like everything is horrible and needs to be erased from existence. At the moment I feel pretty good about it so I'll keep writing!

What am I reading?
I am currently reading multiple chapters from my Oceanography and Geography textbooks. Loads of fun.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Word Count Wednesday!

What am I working on?
Earlier this week I started working on a story and I have about ten pages done! I wrote it on a whim so after I read it I noticed it needed a lot of polishing. I like where the story is going so I plan on working on it during spring break.
Word Count: 2856
How do I feel about the process:
I feel excited! I'm excited about the things I'm working on and the fact that I'll have some time to work on them over spring break! I'll try to post some of the things I'm working on during the week. It'll be good for someone other than myself to read them.
What am I reading?
I'm still working on Moth Smoke, I'm really enjoying it!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Word Count Wednesday

What am I working on?
Unfortunately nothing, my mind has been preoccupied on midterms for other classes. I'm hoping to get back into things once I've finished studying.

Word Count: A shameful 150

How do I feel about the process?
I have a lot of ideas brewing I just haven't had time to write them out. I feel like once I write them out I'll feel a lot better about my process.

What am I reading?
My friend just gave me a book called Moth Smoke. I haven't started reading it yet but it's first up on my reading list!